Report Verification



New deposits of well-known gemstones or of some new and unusual gems and minerals are being discovered on a routine basis, which obviously reaches the world gem markets, such as Jaipur. Similarly, new synthetics and treatments are under regular developments and hence, their identification has become more challenging and complicated than ever before. All the reports issued at GTL are based on a thorough research using ‘years of experience’ on the many analytical methods including visual examination with the aid of traditional gemmological tools and sophisticated scientific spectrometers. The gemmologists at GTL have a combined work experience of more than 25 years and each year, thousands of various types of gemstones go through their eyes.

Traditional gemmological tools and methods play an important role in determining the nature of mineral species, which mainly involve determining the physical (such as specific gravity, hardness, cleavage, etc.) and optical constants (such as optic character, pleochroism, refractive index, birefringence, optic sign, absorption spectrum, fluorescence reactions, etc) and comparing with a table of constants, available in common gemmological texts. These methods are still widely used in most of the gemmological labs, but they fail to provide answers to many questions raised by the advanced and complex methods of treatments and synthesis of gemstones. They, however, nicely complement the sophisticated and advanced analytical tools, which have now become essential components of a modern gemmological lab, such as Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur.

Some of the sophisticated methods of analysis used at the Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur include Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry, Laser Raman Spectrometry (LRS), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectrometry, Ultra Violet- Visible- Near Infra Red (UV-Vis-NIR) Spectrometry and DiamondView imaging.

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