Pradat T. & Choudhary G. (2014) Gem-quality Cr-rich kyanite from India. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp 87-88
In 2009, one of the contributors had the opportunity to see small lots of greenish blue to bluish green Cr-rich kyanite in Jaipur, reportedly mined from the eastern Indian state of Orissa (Odisha). Most of the cabochons and faceted gems, ranging in size up to 25 ct, were highly included. In 2013, this Cr-rich kyanite from Odisha was again available in Jaipur, this time with very few or no eye-visible inclusions. Although a few specimens contained numerous black inclusions (ilmenite), the lack of internal features in most of the stones yielded a more desirable uniform greenish blue to bluish green colour, making them suitable for jewellery mounting.
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